Friday, July 20, 2012

As long as You love Me... [New York]

One of the perks of living in DC is that we are a Bus,Train  or 5 hr Drive from New York. I decided on a whim to go with my friends to NY. GREAT CHOICE! I unforunately haven't been to NYC as an Adult until then(went on a Boston -NYC trip with my History Class in 8th grade lol)  I enjoyed seeing old and meeting new friends. Great city... well not in the winter time(spoken like a true Cali Native lol) I also took more lifestyle shots on this trip as well. I will have a instagram outfit post next week.


After going out ...5 am NYC

Did a bit of damage
Perry Hotel Rooftop Day Party Had a blast with the Girlies
The Rooftop View lovely!!!
My friend Mey and the Bestie. They dressed cute in Cobalt Blue


Expensise but tasty Mimosas
These stairs at 5 and 6am (Tipsy or Hungover) is DEATH 5 flrs. Its an olympic sport lol

(Leaving Ny)

The only Outfit Shot :
Dress: American Apparel  Le Sac (3 yrs old)
Belt Necklace:Thrifted
Glasses: No name ( 4+ years old)
Bag: Similar at Yes


  1. Having too much fun me thinks ;)

  2. Cute fit and love your hair like that... Rep Cali.... Xoxo

  3. I definitely did ;)

  4. Thank you :) I had fun... Let me know what up with your trip

  5. You look so pretty!! Love that dress on you, very chic goddess :)

  6. Thank you Waverly :)


Thank you so Much for Taking time to comment. I appreciate all thoughts you have . Thank you again -M