Can you guess what color? Hint the color is in this picture.
Did you guess it? I know every one has these. I couldn't resist though. I was looking for them forever in DC. It seems every size 36 was too. They were sold out. So while in Panama (This shot was in my Hotel room) I was amazed to see a ZARA. I had to go. I bought a few other things I will show in a later post. The Zara looked exactly the same I think they had more sundresses and TRF section was huge. Other than that it was slight more expensive than the states booooooo. Over all I am happy I found these bad boys in cobalt blue. P.s Blue is one of my favorite color. Black and Blue. lol Guess that fits with my feisty side. lol Your legs in these look amazing. the coral /peach ones are to die for and the black ones had my mom saying "Girl, if i was younger ..." Any who, I am BACK and Have to get my post together. I might have time during the weekend. Also I am going to a fashion event tonight so hopefully an Outfit post to break it up.
Any body have them? Link your post with them on in the comment box. :)

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