Spring Heel Loves [Hologram] ...The rest of you is Paradise


Yeah, cuz kissin' you was very nice
The rest of you is paradise
Got me shakin' like a pair of dice
Body rollin' like a pair of dice
I be f*ckin' with him every night
F*ckin' with him every night
  So my twitter followers know I LOVE CASSIE. She is like my Rihanna. She doesn't have the strongest vocals but unlike Rihanna she stays in her lane. She also has a MEAN sense of fashion even with out a stylist. Unlike Rihanna (Please cc her Denim skirt top combo from a week ago.) Rih you just see when she dresses her self. Anywho Her Mix tape is available on Dapiff.com  My boyfriend said that there are alot of features and the dope beats drown her voice out. I simply replied Well her voice isnt strong and she is really a hook chorus singer  so what do you expect lol. I still enjoy it. Listening to it now lol.
Check the designer link at the bottom if you want to contact her.
So to the shoes. You guys know I am a shoe person all the way. The more "art" looking the better, So when I saw this hologram color I was totally interested.I also am a fan of snake print as well. Then I saw the combo and just about died!!! I like the rainbow colors and the way it gets picked up. I do think you should look at how it is made you don't want to look like a disco  ball. Well made shoes don't all come with a price too so I definitely suggest paying attention to the details. Any who it is safe to say. I will be getter a hologram or shiny silver heel soon.

Floral Hologram

Hologram Snake

What are some of your Favorite Spring looks. Post the like to the post or page in the comments
P.s did you catch "Boyfriend" up there lol Finally lol
Thank you for stopping by,
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